Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal In Clermont, FL

Do you suffer from unwanted hair? You are not alone. Many people deal with the effects of unwanted body hair and at Aesthetic Dermatology, PA we are helping people put down the razors, painful waxing kits and irritating depilatories for a more effective option: laser hair removal.

No matter what area of the body you wish to treat, laser hair removal can help. Through the use of highly concentrated pulses of light, we are able to heat up and destroy hair follicles quickly with little to no discomfort. Laser hair removal is best for those with dark, thick hair and lighter skin, as the light beam is attracted to the hair’s pigment. However, even those with darker skin tones or lighter hair can still achieve great results.

Since hair grows in cycles, laser hair removal will require multiple treatments in order to target as much of the unwanted hair as possible. After your first treatment, the hair that we treated will fall out within one to three weeks. With every treatment, you will start to notice less and less hair growing back in. However, you will want to keep up with your treatment sessions to make sure that you get the most successful hair reduction possible.

While we wouldn’t say that this treatment is painful, some patients have reported that the sensation of the light beam is similar to a rubber band snapping against the skin. But if you’re waxing regularly you’ll find that this treatment is far less painful and much easier to tolerate than other hair removal options. Plus, we can also offer a numbing cream, which we can apply to the skin prior to your session.

Laser hair treatment is also much faster than other hair removal options like electrolysis, which can only treat one hair at a time as opposed to multiple hairs. Instead of it taking forever just to treat small areas like the underarms, your whole treatment could take less than 20 minutes to complete. Laser hair removal doesn’t waste any time.

If you are interested in getting laser hair removal in Clermont, FL then call our us today at (352) 243-2544.

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Aesthetic Dermatology, PA


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm



