Common Acne Treatment Options

Skin constantly changes throughout our lives. For example, dermis transformations may happen during puberty, pregnancy, and stressful situations. Acne can also result from oil and bacteria clogging your skin's pores, poor hygiene, medications, or dairy products which can increase inflammation. Dr. David Allyn of Aesthetic Dermatology, PA, recommends coming in for a consultation if your acne is causing you mental or emotional distress and physical pain or if at-home treatments aren't working after at least eight weeks of consistent use. We offer various services for acne treatment, including oral antibiotics, steroid injections, or cosmetic methods such as facials, laser therapy, or chemical peels. We'll discuss which acne treatment best suits your needs during your visit.

Common Acne Treatment Options 

Many mild, moderate, and severe acne cases walk through our doors often. These lesions, bumps, and pimples cause deep, painful, and pus-filled lesions that become hard to ignore. Acne affects people of all races and ages. But the condition is most common in teenagers and young adults. Washing your skin twice daily with a gentle cleanser, using a fragrance-free moisturizer, and applying sunscreen are all popular acne treatments. If mild acne doesn't improve with these methods, Dr. Allyn doesn't recommend letting symptoms run their course. Moderate (papules and pustules) to severe (nodules and cysts) cases of acne may resolve with oral prescriptions and extra-strength topicals.

At least 80% of the population experiences acne at some point, but we can help you beat the odds, save your skin, and revive your confidence. Dr. David Allyn suggests acne treatment in Clermont, FL, based on the severity and cause of your symptoms. Visit our website to learn more about the conditions we treat and the services provided at Aesthetic Dermatology, PA. If you have questions, or concerns or want to schedule an appointment for acne treatment, call (352) 243-2544.

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Aesthetic Dermatology, PA


8:00 am-5:00 pm


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8:00 am-5:00 pm



